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Looking for RAN to supervise student.

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Author Looking for RAN to supervise student.

Jeni Flavell


  • Joined: Aug 2011
  • Location: Sydney
  • Posts: 2

Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:09 pm

Hi all,

I am doing a graduate entry Masters in Nursing at University of Sydney. My previous degree was in International Health and I have volunteered in a number of countries on health and community projects.

It is my goal to become a RAN after a couple of years practical in hospitals. I am currently studying a subject that allows me to choose a clinical placement and I would very much like to 'go bush'! The placement is only two weeks and I would be looking to do it in Dec or Jan 2012.

If anyone knows of any pathways or contacts that may be suitable for me I would be very grateful.





  • Joined: Sep 2011
  • Location: Cookotwn
  • Posts: 1

Sep 18, 2011, 02:51 am

Hi Jeni,

I did a student 6wk placement in Menindee (rural clinic 9-5pm, + on-call Emergencies). Have worked in Alice Springs. In my opinion, as a student you want maximum exposure; looking back, menindee was great but very slow with only one emergency (minor) evacuation in the 6wks. I would recomend a rural hospital, such as Alice Springs or even up here in Cooktown(small 16bed), you will still manage things the same as an RAN would, but there is the support/eduaction of more staff, and more chance of seeing things (such as resus' which rarely you will have time out to observe when youre working in a hospital). Make the most of your student placements. Alice springs has good friendly nursing quarters accom., usually a few students and plenty of fun. A placement there seemed pretty useful to the students I worked with.


Jeni Flavell


  • Joined: Aug 2011
  • Location: Sydney
  • Posts: 2

Sep 18, 2011, 03:49 pm

Thank you Zooby, Great advice, I have found a placement now, but I will keep what you have said in mind for my next placement.



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