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ail health training

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Author ail health training



  • Joined: Jan 2008
  • Location: bunbury western australia
  • Posts: 2

Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:04 am

hi every body just wondering if some one can advise me , i currently doing age care in bunbury w.a i like to also do alli health assiant certicate 4 to follow on the course runs though tafe but you must be employed in the industy how is the best way of gaining employment for this position. also will be doing practiacal for age care soon any hints in surving this thanks jill



  • Joined: Jan 2008
  • Location: Perth
  • Posts: 7

Apr 04, 2008, 11:04 am

Put you resume out everywhere! Staffing is critical almost everywhere in WA. The last place I worked got that bad that we were running on agency staff for a couple of months! As long as you are willing to work you should have no problems.

Good luck!

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