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Author EN registration



  • Joined: Jul 2022
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Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:07 pm

Hello everyone, i completed my Diploma of Nursing in feb 2019 but i did not apply for my registration because i had to go back to my home country and as i am back now i want to apply my registration can someone please explain the requirements and procedure please. Thankyou



  • Joined: Apr 2022
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May 03, 2023, 11:45 pm

Certainly! The requirements and procedures for registering as a nurse may vary depending on the country where you completed your diploma and where you intend to practice.

Here is some general information that may be helpful:

  1. Contact the Nursing Regulatory Body in the country where you wish to practice. This organization will provide you with specific information on registration requirements and procedures.
  2. Generally, you will need to provide evidence of your education, such as your diploma or transcripts. You may also need to provide proof of your identity, residency, and English proficiency.
  3. You may be required to complete additional education or training if your diploma does not meet the minimum standards for registration in the country where you wish to practice.
  4. You may need to pass an exam to demonstrate your competency in nursing.
  5. You may need to undergo a criminal record check and/or provide references from previous employers or educational institutions.
  6. Some regulatory bodies may require you to complete a bridging program or additional training if there are significant differences in nursing practice between the country where you completed your diploma and the country where you wish to practice.

It's important to note that registration requirements and procedures can vary widely between countries, so it's best to contact the relevant regulatory body for specific information. Good luck with your registration process!

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