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Return To Nursing with Conditions

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Author Return To Nursing with Conditions

Cassie B


  • Joined: Sep 2020
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  • Posts: 1

Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:09 pm Last edited Sep 06, 2020, 03:54 pm Update #1

Hi everyone.

I have gotten my registration back after letting it go 4 years ago. I was having a really awful time in my personal life and ended up with drug possession charges. At the time I was doing agency work so couldn't work out how I would be able to find somewhere that would employ me with those charges and needing supervised practice so I surrendered my registration.

I've now finally got it back but I have no idea how to go about finding work as my conditions include supervised practice and informing the facility I work at that I am having regular drug testing. I live in a regional town with two hospitals and I'm so worried about going into an interview with those conditions, no nursing references and having not practiced for such a long time. If I ruin my chances the first time in a hospital I may not get a second chance. And aged care isn't an option due to the condition of supervision.

I am taking the ACN refresher program and doing a First Aid certificate but I know it probably isn't enough.

I'm just looking for any help or suggestions anyone might have to get back to nursing.

Thank you for reading this long post :-)

modified: Sunday 06 September 2020 4:04:43 pm - Cassie B

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