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AHPRA - Problems with registration

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Author AHPRA - Problems with registration



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Aug 13, 2010, 10:45 pm Last edited Aug 13, 2010, 10:45 pm update #1

Hi Ksrig,
My story is pretty much identical to yours, except I have been lucky enough to have got my registration today. There is a way of getting around the police check now, if you go into the AHPRA office first thing on Monday morning, you can ask them to give you a statutory declaration to get signed by a JP. This stat dec will basically cover you until the police check comes back, so you should basically be registered within 24-48 hours, if not straight away. So get the statutoary declaration off them, walk up to the magistrate's court on the corner of George & Turbot Streets, get the JP to sign it for you and take it straight back to AHPRA and "kindly request" that your registration be completed ASAP.

Just out of curiosity, which Uni are you from? We have figured out that out of the 120 or so grads from UQ and QUT, only a handful (less than 10) have their rego's back so far..

Hope this helps you a little :)

modified: Friday 13 August 2010 10:52:22 pm - grglngfld



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Aug 16, 2010, 09:10 am

Hi grglngfld & ellie

Wow...How did you figure that out? im going there right now to do it. I hope i have the success you do! thing that really annoy's me is that when i went for my Qhealth interview they did the criminal history check and it passed so i know for sure it will be fine. I don't know how to thank you!!! Ill keep you posted, your an Angel.

Ellie i even went to Julia Gillard's labour page to send a letter to the editor for one of the brissy papers but i couldn't get it through, She keeps making this point about getting more nurses into the system yet we're all hear readung and waiting to work! If we keep making waves somehow surely we can make some sort of a difference

I am actually a EEN grad from one of the Tafe's. Am currently studying at Griffith here in Brisbane part time. So there are also a bunch of us EEN's waiting on their registrations. The thing that really is my bug bear is the inconsistency's and the fact that we are losing money from this!!! and the poor hospitals that hired us are waiting and i have been lucky enough to get a boss that's been so understanding.



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Aug 16, 2010, 04:06 pm

Ok update...

I went in this morning on good advice and as it turns out a couple of hours after doing the suggested I am now registered!! Yay so happy, Now to start working! thanks for your insight grglngfld :D



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Aug 16, 2010, 04:26 pm

No worries :) That's great that you got it back so quick after that!!! Now to get the other few hundred grads through... I still have to wait until September 16 untiil I can actually start.. its a bit annoying but at least I know now that I will definitely be starting then!! Good luck with your job :)



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Aug 17, 2010, 11:18 am

I don't get it guys. You were given your rego on the spot when you did a stat dec? This is at the Brisbane office? I finally got through to a specialist yesterday on the phone who told me the only things missing from my application were my medicare and d/licence, a stat dec saying I had done high school in Aust and the $115 fee - all of this new requirements from what the QNC requested. I submitted all of that yesterday in person at 2pm and still haven't got my rego. How did you guys manage to get yours so quick?



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Aug 17, 2010, 09:51 pm

Hey, I didnt end up filling out a stat dec, but I know a few people did to get around waiting for their criminal history checks.. It will only work if your application is at the stage that you're waiting for your police check.. although I'm sure you could do one now anyway to speed up the process



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Aug 17, 2010, 10:08 pm

My criminal history chech has already been done. It was just the id, fee and high school they required.



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Aug 18, 2010, 05:38 pm


You guys made me sign up to write a comment~!! kk

It is a great comfort to know that I'm not the only one who has this problem

I am in exactly in same situation as you guys

I am an international student, so also have to be worried about my visa

Since my student visa was running out, I had to change it to visitor visa to further remain in Australia , which means I don't have work right in this country any more and have to be remained unemployed before I get the registration

I am suffering financially and emotionally. I called about 5 times and send the bloody online inquiry 10 times and haven't received any reply. I am a QLD graduate, but as an internationally trained nurse, I had to send off my application to Mealboune..

Is there any international students who's having this problem?

I think we really need to do march or something.. This is RIDICULOUS!!!



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Aug 18, 2010, 06:23 pm

Sue I know ALOT of international students with the same problem! :-(
I just don't know if there is anything we can do.
It might be fair enough that you have to sit an English test since English isn't your first language, but surely AHPRA could have told you that MONTHS ago - not right before your visa expires.
If you haven't realised it already - everything run by the government in Australia is useless and does nothing but waste taxpayer's money.
Unfortuantly even if Labor is out on Saturday the Liberals will be no better - maybe even worse :-(
It is seriously depressing.



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Aug 21, 2010, 03:12 pm

Hey Girls and Guys, Im a grad from Griffith and Im having the exact same problems with my registration, same with a most of the nurses I graduated with!!! I was supposed to start my grad program on Monday (23rd August 2010), but Im unable to start due to not having my registration! Gold Coast Hospital has lucky given us 3 starting dates, the 23rd August, 20th Sept, and if not we can start in the intake next February, so we start to whenever we have our registration.... I've also rung AHPRA, and emailed them, but gotten no where, I know friends that have sat in the AHPRA office all day, but still gotten no where!!!! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!!!! Now im just sitting around waiting cause I put my 2 weeks notice in for my last Job to start at the GCH on Monday, but now i cant start....



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Aug 23, 2010, 02:24 pm

Hi all,

I am an overseas trained RN and I applied for reg with the old QNC in april. AHPRA have all my stuff (I even did IELTS which is now no longer needed!) and apparantly I am at the top of the pile but I'm constantly fobbed off with the line; 'processes aren't in place to asess overseas applications yet'. The QNU are trying to assit me and I've contacted media and my local MP with no luck as of yet. I am going to call the Courier Mail today.

I am seriously keen to organise a protest. Who would be keen? I think we would need at least 50 of us. I was meant to start a grad programme last month and although they are keeping my place open for me this whole situation and the way in which AHPRA are behaving is absurd.




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Aug 24, 2010, 05:35 pm

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that The Courier Mail are going to run a story about the problems that so many of us, esp overseas trained nurses, are having with getting registered. I should know tomorrow when it will appear in the paper. I hope it makes AHPRA see how ridiculously incompetent they are.




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Aug 26, 2010, 11:52 am

Looking forward to the article Annie. QNU has also taken up my case but no news yet...



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Aug 26, 2010, 11:54 am
They ran something today but it is just about an overseas nurse training outside of Australia. Nothing about those of us who trained in Australia.



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Sep 02, 2010, 02:44 pm

Why don't we lodge massive formal complaints to the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission?

Look what I found at their website:

If we sent lots and lots of complaints, they would notice nad try to have a look at this issue.

Just one idea, in parallel to other avenues (Today Tonight, A Current Affair, your local represntative at parlament, class actions, etc.)

We need to be united and make the as much fuss as possible to get this situation solved, as this is clearly discriminatory and illegal. If we have degrees from Australian universities, treating us differently because we completed secondary school overseas is ilegal.

We wil succed in our numbers.



Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Complaints under the Racial Discrimination Act

You can make a complaint under the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) if you have been treated unfairly because of your race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, or your immigrant status.

Racial discrimination is covered in many areas of public life, including:

employment – seeking employment, training, promotion, equal pay, employment conditions or dismissal
education – at school, TAFE, university or a private training provider
provision of goods, services or facilities – such as buying something, applying for a loan, seeking assistance from a service provider or going to shops or entertainment venues
land, accommodation and housing – renting or buying a house or flat
access to places and facilities for use by the public – such as parks, libraries, government offices, hotels, places of worship or entertainment centres.

Complaints Infoline on 1300 656 419 (local call) or 02 9284 9888. You can also send us an email at


Lauren Coad


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Sep 04, 2010, 12:57 am

Hi everyone, I was just cruising the net to see if anyone is as frustrated as me. And we all are!

I've completed my degree at Griffith on the Gold Coast and am lucky enough to have a grad program. My original start date was the 1st of August, but no one had rego so GPH pushed it back till 6th september. I found out that I had to sit an IELTS test because I did yrs 10,11, 12 at a British International School overseas. So they wanted me to prove that I can speak English, even though I was born in Sydney and raised on the Gold Coast, and can ONLY speak English (as much as I would love to speak fluent Spanish).

Sooo, after racking up my phone bills I got a general Stat Dec to write about my English and the Stat Dec for the Criminal History check. The lady said that if she didn't hear from someone within 48hrs I would be registered. But 4 days later im still not registered, and now i've more than likely missed the orientation again and will have to wait another MONTH!!

I'm lucky that I definately have a job to go to, but im sick of waiting and fed up with all this Bull****! I have been in tears all day today and I don't have the financial funds for another month.

If anyone is serious about going to the media or taking it further, please let me know because this is truly a disgusting way to be treated after studying all those years!!



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Sep 04, 2010, 05:34 pm

Hi all,

In my experience as a nurse of 30 years,,, always go directly to the top! Anne Copeland is the DON at Wesley Hospital in Brisbane. Why don't you all meet,, get the media on side and demand a meeting with her? Also when dealing with AHPRA always ask to speak to a Senior Nurse Case Manager or whoever is the most senior nurse on at AHPRA when you call and tell them you want a face to face meeting with them and demand the street address of their location and you have x amount of nurses who WILL be flying to the head office in Melbourne with media coverage to Demand Answers. Once you say all of the above or something similar,, you will be heard. Good Luck Guys! Go straight for the throat!



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Sep 06, 2010, 05:58 pm

Hi everyone, I have been reading the comments on AHPRA. Well its the same in Melb. I have beed waiting TEN weeks rego. My class finished in june, enrolled nurse, and to date out of 24 not one is working as a nurse. One has rego. and that is because of ANF taking up her case. To date I have been in to AHPRA 4 times, 11 phone calls (and spoken to no one) and 4 unanswered e-mails. I am now back working as a PCA earning less money than I was before. I am worse off since i become a nurse.



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Sep 08, 2010, 04:02 pm

Hello everyone,

I feel relieved to know I am not the only new grad having problems with my registration. I am on overseas student, finsihed my degree in july 2010. My registration came out fairly quickly. I did the ielts, and after that I got my registration in mid august. However it is september 8th and I still don't have my initial certificate of registration which I need for my ANMC skills assessment and subsequently for my PR application... This is getting so complicated. The AHPRA told me they "can't give me an exact date of issue of my certificate of initial registration, that they are issued "periodically", altogether at any time and that they can not give me a date, could be a month could be two months or more..." Is that legal?? I mean I need that document to get my skills assessment. I already called the ANMC and they say they won't approve my application until I get it. On the other hand the AHPRA gives me a different story every week. Until last week I was told I was going to get that document early this week and to call them if I didnt. When I called nobody answered and I even left a voice message and nothing, no response. I had to go there today and now they changed their minds saying they will take longer and can;t even give me a date.



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Sep 10, 2010, 08:50 pm

OMG that is shocking guys! Must say it worries the bejesus out of me as i have like 5 weeks from my last clinical to get my rego though to start my post grad in february........;........

Have you all got it now?

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