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Grad year EEN Melbourne

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Author Grad year EEN Melbourne



  • Joined: Jun 2016
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  • Posts: 2

Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:07 pm

Hi all, 

I've just finished my diploma. I'm an endorsed enrolled nurse.

I was wondering if anyone can share their grad year experience in Melbourne please. 

The programs I'm looking at are with Epworth Freemasons, Knox Private, The Valley private hospital & The Austin.
(Why don't many public hospitals offer grad year for EENs??). I really wanted to work for the Alfred but they don't have a grad year (only for RNs).

If you have experience with other hospitals around Melbourne (or even in country Victoria), please share. All this nursing is new to me. 

Also, is doing a grad year even worth it? Is it better to just try and get a job (that's not grad year). 
I would really appreciate anything you've got to say. Thank you so much. 


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