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Leave in Graduate Years

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Author Leave in Graduate Years



  • Joined: Jun 2011
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Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:06 am


I'm in the process of applying for Grad years in Victoria for 2012, and all the services state that you get the usual 4 to 6 weeks annual leave - what I'm curious to know is how they structure it. Is it allocated to you at a time convenient to them, so you don't get to choose when you have it, or is it split up, or do you get the same level of choice as normal staff where you can apply for leave at whatever time suits you and have it approved or denied? If people are familiar with the way the Grad years in Victoria run themselves that'd be great but any info/advice is appreciated =) I'm curious to know and I just feel a bit intimidated asking the health services anything that might put them off me, so I thought I'd seek out the info elsewhere if I could! If anyone even has any feedback on any Victorian grad years at all (not just the annual leave thing, but other stuff as well) I'd love to hear it? Thanks so much!



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Jun 11, 2011, 09:47 pm

Im interested too. Im applying for a grad progam in Victoria 2012 and also planning a wedding for October 2012!
My first preference hospital have emailed me an inforamtion booktlet which states that all the annual leave is set in blocks!! Ie. student 1 takes half their annual leave in March and the other half on november and so on and so on.
Im a little bit worried i wont be getting a honeymoon! But i guess its something that is dependent on each hospital and that we'll just have to wait and see :)



  • Joined: May 2009
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Jun 12, 2011, 07:07 pm

Hi guys,

I'm currently on a grad year in the private sector and know others on grad years in the public sector. Our experience is that you are very much encouraged to take your leave throughout your grad year. You're gonna need it! Our experience is that as long as you give enough notice, they're not too fussed about when you take it - a couple of weeks here, a couple of weeks there. The one thing you should be aware of is if you want to take leave during school holiday times. Let's face it, a lot of nurses have kids and want that time off, so they put in for it pretty early. If you want to take leave during school holiday times, you'd be well advised to apply for it at the earliest possible chance. Generally, with regard to leave, you get treated the same as all the other nurses. The other thing that might affect you is if there are graduate study days scheduled when you want leave. You'll be advised of these pretty much straight up when you start. My experience is that if you miss one of these due to leave, they're not too fussed, as long as you let them know so they can forward any handouts or necessary info that you've missed. Whatever you do, don't feel intimidated to ask for your rights. You are a part of the team, are working hard and shouldn't set yourself up as the person who gets asked to do the $h!tty jobs that no-one else wants to do, gets the worst shifts or has to take leave at times when no-one else wants it. Heidi, I don't know anyone who has had the experience you have described about set leave times so I'm curious as to where that is. Still, it shows that you need to be proactive and ask these questions up front. Be aware though, that some of the information I was given at my grad interview has proven not to be true (or things have changed!!!). Nursing is an area that seems to have a frequent turnover of staff including managers and educators. The new educator or manager may have very different ideas about how things are going to happen than their predecessor and there's not a lot you can do about that. In a nutshell, there are no hard and fast rules. Every hospital will have different rules. Even hospitals that are run by the same organisation will have different rules, despite what they might tell you. Good luck to you both for next year and beyond.



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Jun 14, 2011, 12:44 pm

Hey, im a nursing student anf i finish towards the end of the year. I am looking for grad positions in nursing. can anyone please direct me to website or know of any information. I have looked on southern health. Its all about overwhelming. Thankyou



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Jun 19, 2011, 04:39 am

Sarbear, if you're finishing end of this year, the website will open around September for Grad positions...just google your state's provider's site and check out its graduate program application site or under their employment section. Good luck



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Jun 21, 2011, 06:54 am

Hi Sarbear-

If your talking about Southern Health in Melbourne then grad position registration opens 1st of June and Closes 28th July and you can change preferences or withdraw them up to end of September but after 28th July your not able to add any other hopitals that aren't on your preference list.


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