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AHPRA Fees not Pro Rated - VERY UNFAIR updated

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Author AHPRA Fees not Pro Rated - VERY UNFAIR updated



  • Joined: Feb 2013
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  • Posts: 3

Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:02 pm Last edited Feb 26, 2013, 06:31 pm Update #2

Update - recieved a response from AHPRA basically with the expected reply that they don't pro rata inital registration fees.  They do however state that if your inital registration is received after 31st March then they will give you registration until the following May i.e. 14 months.This however, is not good enough as many newly graduated nurses need to register prior to 31st March and could potential loose up to 10 months of registration fees in the first year.  It is quite obviously a grab for cash by AHPRA - medical workers all need to be registered to get a job in health - how many millions of $$ is generated by forcing nurses, doctors etc to   pay for a full year whatever time they register?  I have requested further justification from AHPRA as to why they cannot pro rata inital fees and am waiting on their reply - I have also asked the Nurses Union for their input - the QNU has also submitted a request for Pro Rata of inital fees - if anyone has any ideas as to how to escalate this problem then lets have it !!! X-D




Hi to all new graduate and studying nurses - I have recently graduated as an Enrolled nurse and went through the registration process with AHPRA - something ALL practicing nurses have to do. I paid my Registration fees of $160 (Plus another $160 for the Application Fee) in February and was told by AHPRA that there is an annual registration date of 31st May each year. This means that I have paid for 12 months registration in February and will have to pay another 12 months on 31st May as they do not pro rata the fees! This is VERY unfair and I believe this should be changed as most graduations happen in the early part of the year. If you agree with me, then PLEASE lodge a complaint to AHPRA using the form at  The more complaints the more likely things will change.

modified: Thursday 04 April 2013 7:17:20 pm - ob1

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