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Bachelor of Nursing at Holmesglen?

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Author Bachelor of Nursing at Holmesglen?



  • Joined: May 2015
  • Location: Melbourne
  • Posts: 2

Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:07 am

I am hoping to get into ACU for nursing next year...however I just realised that Holmesglen offers a B in Nursing in Moorabin which is about 10 minutes the road from where I live. 

I could cope with ACU as I work in Hawthorn, but as I am only planning on staying at my current job for a max of 2 years, and then hoping to find a part time job closer to where I live... I'm starting to think travelling into Fitzroy from home will be a pain in the ass..and expensive.

Does anyone here study/studied at Holmesglen? I just don't know much about it except that it's more of a TAFE than a University. Looking for some advice and opinions.

I have heard wonderful things about ACU and their nursing staff, and I love the campus and facilities.

Unsure about Holmesglen.. but it would be more convenient. 

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