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Bachelor of Nursing. A few questions.

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Author Bachelor of Nursing. A few questions.



  • Joined: Sep 2007
  • Location: Melbourne Victoria
  • Posts: 25

Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:09 am

I already have my Diploma of Nursing and have completed this diploma and many other courses all online/external.

I adore external study as not being very well it works so much better.

Plus I find it somewhat less stressful this way of studying.


I applied & got a place at CSU but dropped out because of health & family issues plus I found the Uni & the way things were presented online so very confusing as no real in depth information was given for new students.

That's not to say it's a bad uni at all. It just didn't suit me.


I have now decided to go back to Uni & start again. And this is where I would like some feedback please.


1)I have heard terrific feedback on nursing through CDU BUT the issues there as with most interstate Uni's is that placements were very hard to come by in your area.

Not finding out to a short while before placements began would stress anyone out. Especially if you need to leave your home to go to another town or city to complete what has to be done.

But other than that, I have heard that CDU is fantastic to study with. But is placements like that worth the stress and cost when you are not filthy rich?

What do you think?


2) My other option is a local Uni, Monash Frankston campus, that easily place all students at Peninsula Health. So that makes it very easy for me to attend.

BUT it is only available on campus. I have attempted many years back to start my nursing on campus & hated it. I enjoyed being around other's who were studying but having to work around classes is very difficult with my condition plus I have, like many nurse's, a bad back. So sitting all day is too hard.

But I am not sure how many days classes are on & such as yet.

Campus study is NOT my cup of tea.

Has anyone studied through Monash? Or any other Uni on campus? Could you please give me an idea about classes? I KNOW every Uni is different but I just want to get a ball park idea.

I have one friend that I haven't seen on so long who went to Monash & told me that many students never went to the lectures but instead got class notes & just turned up when they had no choice. I am not sure how true or how allowed this is?

3) If anyone has studied their Bachelor externally, could you let me know what Uni it was? And how did you find the study & placements?

How often were you needed to attend on-campus things?


4) Maybe I could even do a year at Monash and then transfer to CDU or where ever I get in? Or back the other way?

What do people think?


Thanks to anyone or all who answer.

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