Oct 16, 2007, 08:41 pm
UQ do more 'prac' coz they go like 1 day a wk for a certain amount of time, and then im not sure how they do the block pracs.
Griffith...I havent really seen any of their students or heard about their degree. I think most of their students do prac in the hospitals over that side of town, ie not the main big teaching hospitals. I could be wrong though.
ACU is really good apparently, iespecially if you want to do midwifery. Their mid is the best apparently. ACU have a lot of hands on practical classes apparently. They are a smaller uni and therefore you get more attention and stuff from the staff which can be really beneficial.
The prob with UQ is that its out at Ipswich, which is a city known as a shit hole, and you dont really want to be getting the bus alone. In fact the buses are pretty bad out there apparently. My brother did a year out there of something, and thankfully stayed in the student accomodation nearby, but was alwasy complaining about the buses either being late or never showing up...and if that happens, its a long walk to the train. And it really dry and humid out there too lol.
QUT...its a big intake, since its the 'main' uni , and original uni that did university teaching nursing as compared to hospital based training. We get a fair amoutn of prac, but most students, no matter what uni will tell you they want more prac earlier on and more support etc ie hands on stuff rather than crap subjects like research approaches and reflective learning....However we were told that if we got more clinical prac, we'd be doing a EEN course rather than RN which is crap as! OH well
Well good luck for all that. if you want to chat more, feel free to msn me, rozymisty@yahoo.com.au