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Diploma Enrolled Nursing TAFE port Adelaide

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Author Diploma Enrolled Nursing TAFE port Adelaide



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Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:01 pm

I received my offer today for part time at Port Adelaide TAFE, anybody else out there studying at Port Adelaide? Any advice/tips for me??



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Jan 11, 2011, 10:28 am

Hi I've been studying at Port Adelaide Tafe part time external since July 09 I am in my last year. It has been pretty cruisy, a lot easier than I anticipated as i am 37 and havent studyed since high school. If there any questions you want answered just let me know.



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Feb 09, 2011, 07:54 pm

Hi Brooklyn, i am studying part time external also. Did you manage okay with the study load? I work two days a week and have a year old child so i'll need to fit study around all of that.

What are the lecturers like? I had an appointment with Peter the other day he seems like a nice chap.

Ummm......i'll try and think of some more questions!



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Feb 10, 2011, 08:37 pm

Im applying in April for the mid year intake.
Did you guys sit the TABS test? Was it fairly straight forwRD, ive been told its hard to get into this course.
ill be applying for external.

Brooklyn, how many placements have you had and how many left? What were their duration and where did you do them?




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Feb 16, 2011, 07:42 am

Hi Becmat,

I sat the TABS test at the end of last year. The test is pretty straightforward, just try out the practice questions on the TAFE website and brush up on your Algebra (the test I had had a LOT of algebra in it)

It is a competitive course to get into, we have been told that there are between 300-600 applicants for the course and only 90 positions. They do take the tabs test results into high consideration.

Hope that helps!



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Feb 18, 2011, 03:49 pm

Do you think that i would have a chance if i DIDNT sit the TABS test?

I have my SACE, a cert III and my senior first aid. Will that be taken into consideration? Do you know of any one that got in without sitting it?



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Feb 18, 2011, 04:12 pm

They do take the TABS test into consideration more than anything else. I think the only reason I got in the course is because I did well in the TABS test. I have heard of people who applied for the external course who had done a 6 month assistant in nursing course prior and still didn't get in.

I don't reckon take into consideration your senior first aid (you will get RPL for it though)

The TABS test isn't that hard, just do the practice test questions on the website and you will be fine.

I can't stress enough how important the TABS test is.

Good luck!



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Feb 18, 2011, 08:41 pm

Think i will take the TABS test! The only thing id be nervous about is the maths questions.
What sort do they ask? Im not good with square roots or algebra, everything else i think id be ok with.

When do you start your course? Would love to hear how you go. So how long is part time? 3 yrs?



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Feb 19, 2011, 05:44 pm

Excellent! I was worried about the maths part too it's not my strongest area but I did the practice questions on the website and they were okay. If you're not too confident at Algebra I suggest you either find somebody who is who can give you a crash course or I think there is a short course you can do at TAFE perhaps which will prepare you for the tabs test. Maybe something to look into??

I started the course last Monday and so far so good! It's going to be hard especially when you do the work on your own but the lecturers are always happy to help and are very accommodating.

Part time is 3 years but if you choose to pick up more modules at the end you can finish it sooner.

Good luck with it all!



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Feb 21, 2011, 03:07 pm Last edited Feb 21, 2011, 03:07 pm update #1

I have been looking online at some different sites to help refresh my memory.

Sometimes i do overthink things and its turns out i was fine all along. Surely it cant be TOOO hard.

That said though, i am going to borrow some maths books from my local library. I have about 2 months until i can apply but after what you said about how much they take it into consideration i think id be silly not to sit the test.

Maybe later in the year i will see you there.

Thanks again for your help and goodluck to you too!!

modified: Monday 21 February 2011 3:10:01 pm - Becmat



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May 03, 2011, 02:49 am

Hi, I am new to this forum and just had a question regarding this topic.....I too have applied at Port Adelaide TAFE, external study, full time. I am sitting my TABS test next Friday to help along with my other qualifications to hopefully (fingers and toes crossed) to get into this course, as it is really something that I have wanted to do for quite some time now!

I have two questions:-

1) Where would be the easiest website to get some algebra questions and solutions so I can study for my TABS test? (I have done some med cals, fractions, etc)

2) What is the external study load like, as I am working PPT as a Carer, and how many days/nights do you have to go into the TAFE?

I am hoping to do a majority of the study/work load from home as I live quite a way from Pt Adelaide, and if I have to go to TAFE I would like to go at night as it is better for me and my family. What nights do they do at the moment? How many times a week? How many hours?

Listen to me!!! I haven't even been accepted yet and am already planning!! LOL Just thinking positively I guess!!!

Well thanks in advance and hopefully someone can help me



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May 03, 2011, 09:59 pm

Hi Jessanat!

If you know anybody that can give you a hand with the algebra? The practice TABS questions that they have on the TAFE website don't really have any algebra ones on there.

I am studying external part time at port adelaide. Part time, you have one lecture which is three hours a week (between 6-9pm). Apparently the nights vary but this semester it's a monday night. Full time (I think) is two nights a week. The workload is pretty full on and you have to prioritise your time in order to get all your work done.

Doesn't hurt to plan :)

Good luck!



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May 04, 2011, 04:07 am

Hi and thanks for the reply Millbot2010!

I am so excited to have the chance to do this course, but also nervous that I will not do too well in the TABS test!

I rang Pt. Adelaide TAFE today, and they said pretty much what you wrote, that the days do change per semester, but im pretty sure that it is still only one day a week even if you do it fulltime, its just the workload is bigger!

Will have to maybe go to the local library to get some algebra books and practice, the last thing I want to do is fail the TABS test, and watch my chance go down the toilet!!

Thanks again

Judy :)



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Jun 05, 2011, 04:58 am

Well everyone, I have sat the TABS test and have passed, now I am just waiting, waiting, waiting for the offers to come out and hope that I have been accepted!!!!

Have you sat your TABS test yet Becmat? How did you go?

Until next time people!!!



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Jul 07, 2011, 10:36 pm

jessanat, how did you go? did you get into the course you wanted? I didnt get first round offers. #sadface.

kinda sucks coz I've got TABS tests, STAT test AND a uni degree too! fingers crossed that I get into second round, but i highly doubt it, so competitive! ahh, sitting, waiting, wishing!



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Jul 08, 2011, 06:37 pm

Ooh Davia - if you already have a TABS & STAT & a uni degree - you should have rang SATAC.
Just before I sat the TABS test I rang SATAC and spoke to them. They pulled my file up and told me that my previous Tabs results were quite competitive (I had sat it the year before, to get into my Health assistance course) and I had done a STAT test a few years previous - so they took that into consideration also and then they told me that I wouldn't have anything to worry about, and that I didn't need to do the TABS again if I didn't want to. I explained that I reeeally wanted to get in, so I wanted to sit it a 2nd time to get a better score.
So ring - and get your name noticed. :)

Jesnat, I'm wondering if you got in too now?



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Jul 09, 2011, 10:58 pm

Hi People!!!!

Unfortunately, I did not receive a first round offer for Enrolled Nursing at Pt Adelaide TAFE :(
I have no idea as to why I didnt get an offer, the only thing that I can think of is that it is HIGHLY competitive (which you all know). I sat the TABS test, and passed with that, have my Cert 4 in Community, and have also done the new S8 administration course.......BUT!!!!!!!!
its ok as I have been offered a traineeship via my work place!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Course paid (i think) paid for.....YIPPEEEEE!!!!

Momo, glad that you got in!!!
Davia, sorry to hear that you didnt :(
Cheers Guys



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Jul 10, 2011, 06:33 am

Davia, If you have a Uni degree, have you thought of going for a graduate entry degree in nursing instead. Amount of time spent is about 6 month longer but you would graduate as an RN and would save you time and money if you have completed your EN and then later decide to chase an RN qualification to specialise.

I would certainly consider this option and as an Australian citizen, you would be eligible for subsidized or HECS supported course fees. It would finances if you need to be counting your dollars with limited income if you have to work part time.

All the best to everyone



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Jul 10, 2011, 08:21 am

I just sat the pre-requisite test for Diploma Enrolled nurse and am still trying to follow what the climate change effect in Greenland has to do with nursing lol When the sample questions the TAFE sent out was all about diabetes.



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Jul 10, 2011, 10:45 am

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