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Diploma of Nursing at Challenger

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Author Diploma of Nursing at Challenger



  • Joined: Apr 2013
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  • Posts: 5

Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:10 am

I am hoping someone here can help me…I am currently studying the first semester of the Diploma of Nursing at a RTO in Perth. I am not too sure if I will continue with this RTO next semester for many reasons. Before I accepted my spot with the RTO, I did receive an offer to study at Challenger TAFE, Murdoch but I turned it down in favour of this other provider. Now I am not too sure if that was the right thing to do??…So I have been thinking about reapplying to Challenger. But before I make the decision on whether to apply or not, I am hoping someone here who has recently or is currently studying the Diploma at Challenger can please let me know a little more about what it is like and how it is run there. What I would like to know are things like how organised is the course? What is the class size like? Class times (i.e. start and finish times on the days you have to attend)?
I understand that different providers can vary when they deliver what units in which semester. So if anyone has recently studied with Challenger, is there any chance you could let me know the list of the Semester 1 units please? If the units they cover in Semester 1 is a lot different to what I have just completed, going to Challenger may not be as appealing as it would then take me longer to complete the course.
Thanks for your help!

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