Jan 24, 2012, 07:31 pm
Bridging programs are usually all the same- it's a basic english/communications course and a maths course.
The maths course you do will depend on the required level of maths for nursing which the uni feels you need. It isn't anything hard (they save that for the future engineer students). I did it at the start of last year, but I just couldn't accept my offer for nursing with them, as the local campus I was doin the bridging course on didn't do nursing. I would have had to travel 2 hours each way to get to the campus that does. Maths will be basic fractions, graphs, cos, tan, sin and percentages. So everything you would have just done in high school.
English/comms will show you how to write an essay, which is different to the high school way, what markers want to see in an assignment, so in uni when you have to do an assignment/essay you will get the best marks possible, how to research correctly, time managment and some uni's include a careers councellor who will also set an assignment on the career you want and then go through that with you so your path is clear.
If the uni feels that a science is needed for entry (it's a package, so if you do one, you usually have to do all that they feel you need for nursing), you will also do a science.
When I did it the majority of students were fresh out of year 12 and just hadn't gotten the score they needed. It honestly is simple content- just about everyone I know finished the subjects with HD's. If you do it for entry to a different uni you do the bridging with, it still counts just as much. I did mine with USQ but applied at Griffith (where I got an early offer too, so shows it really does help lift it higher to where you are a 'desirable' student).
One thing I did forget- the Diploma does not guarante you entry to BNUR. You still have to apply and hope. Most people do get in with it, but some don't. You may also find that for the diploma, you might have to apply with the same company that you apply for uni with, and that their ATAR marks for entry are the same as the BNUR. Check it out to see. I know it's something new for QLD now and have seen a few others mention the same thing for another state (can't remember which one, which is why I said 'might')
Good Luck!!!