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Fed Uni versus Deakin Uni Geelong

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Author Fed Uni versus Deakin Uni Geelong



  • Joined: Nov 2015
  • Location: Geelong
  • Posts: 2

Fri Nov 20, 2015 8:11 pm

Hi All, 

I hope you have had a great week? Today I got an early round offer (VTAC) for Fed Uni in Ballarat for the B of nursing. (I'm pretty happy about that) My first preference was Deakin Uni in Geelong, as I live in that area and I'm a mum of two. Can anyone give me an insight as to how the contact hours are structured. I'm under the understanding that you can plan your timetable.

Can you work it so that Uni contact hours can be done in two/three days? 

Placement: Does Fed Uni offer fellowship placements that students can apply for like Deakin?

Also what is the process of transferring? Would I need to complete a semester (at least) to be considered for a transfer? I understand that there is transfer forms to be completed and submitted.

I did not attend the information day at Fed uni so I'm a little light on knowledge with the knitty gritty's.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to your responses


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