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Is Nursing School the best option with a criminal record? Or should i try to get it expunged?

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Author Is Nursing School the best option with a criminal record? Or should i try to get it expunged?



  • Joined: Aug 2015
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Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:08 am

I was recently arrested for a class a misdemeanor of providing/ furnishing alcohol to a minor. I was having a few drinks at home in my apt and my roommate decided to join me. He later wanted to go buy some cigarettes at the corner store so i went with him. On the way home, he got pulled over and was arrested with DWI. When asked about how I was able to get alcohol, i replied with I'm 21 i can legally by alcohol. He then arrested and charged me with Providing and furnishing to minor. I was put on Deferred Adjudication and probation. Once done it will be dismissed. Will this cause conflict with my Nursing Degree? Anyone know were or how i can get some help about this?



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Aug 16, 2015, 11:07 pm

It is possible that you can expunge your criminal record but the legal process may differ depending on where you live. Criminal record can be expunged by filing in the court or you can get a pardon. When your record are expunged, all the details will be erased permanently as if nothing happened. Given your case, you only have a minor offense and I think that your record can be deleted permanently as long as you can wait patiently.

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