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Sydney Uni vs UTS vs UTasmania

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Author Sydney Uni vs UTS vs UTasmania



  • Joined: Aug 2015
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  • Posts: 2

Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:08 am


If I were so lucky as to receive an offer from Sydney Uni (masters of nursing for graduates), UTS (Accelerated BN) and Uni of Tasmania (accelerated BN, based in Sydney at Rozelle campus with pracs run out of St Vincents I think), would it make a difference to my career if I picked anyone of them?

If it's all the same, I'd like to go with UTS as it's the most easily accessible from my house.

If it's a toss up between sydey and utas, would it make a difference if I went with UTas instead of Sydney?

None of these schools are inaccessible for me at the end of the day, so if it will make a noticeable difference to my career I will bit the bullet and suck up the longer public transport distance.

Thank you!

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