I am hoping to go to Tafe to study nursing. I have not been to school for about 20 years.
I applied for Prep enrolled nursing and Cert 3 Aged care. I was told it would be easier for me to get into aged care and then once I passed I would have enough credits to get into Prep enrolled nursing, then I can go onto enrolled nursing.
The issue I am having is the 10T test I have to do, its english and maths. English I will be sine with. My sister in law is an english teacher so if I had any issues I could get help from her.
Maths is my problem.
Apparently there is a part A and B. My understanding is that because Aged Care doesn't have a very high maths requirement that I will only have to do part A. I am fairly confident with that. But if I have to do part b, I am buggered since its algebra.
The decimals, percentages and problem solving I can do but I would not have a clue about algebra.
Is there anyone who has done this test to get into aged care in WA? Can you help?
I would call Tafe but they are now closed until the 4th of Jan and my test is the 6th of Jan. If I need to know algebra I need to get a Tutor.
thanks heaps