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Who offers Diploma of Nursing Div 2 Enrolled distance learning in Vic?

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Author Who offers Diploma of Nursing Div 2 Enrolled distance learning in Vic?



  • Joined: May 2011
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Thu May 05, 2011 7:05 am

Hi everyone,
I have just joined the forum, very informative!
I am 32 and would like to enrol in the Diploma of Nursing Div 2 Enrolled, but I am tossing between part time at Box Hill TAFE or long distance. At the moment I am on maternity leave and I am not sure how I would cope time-wise away from bubs, so I am trying to find a course thru long distance learning. I contacted Open universities, but they run it through Uni of SA and there is a possibility that I may have to do my placement in adelaide, which I am not prepared to do at this point in time.

Does anyone know if any TAFEs offer Div 2 off campus/long distance or even part of the course that way?

Many thanks in advance,



  • Joined: May 2011
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May 05, 2011, 07:25 am

OOps I forgot to also add...could I do it via another TAFE interstate such as Gold Coast (who offers it long distance) and get the same qualifications and work in Vic without any issues?

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