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anyone studied nursing at monash gippsland?

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Author anyone studied nursing at monash gippsland?



  • Joined: Sep 2010
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Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:01 pm

hi, have been offered a place at Monash Gippsland - has anyone studied there and can tell me what it is like? i have to decide whether to study externally through CQU or commute 1.5 hrs each way from home to Monash gippsland.


  • Joined: Jan 2011
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Jan 18, 2011, 01:26 pm

Hi Kasey,

Congratulations on your offer. Nursing at Monash Gippsland is a really popular course, has a strong reputation among employers (on average, 70 per cent of our grads find work in major hospitals or health care providers) and we're currently building even more practice labs. While Gippsland is much smaller than Clayton (4,000 students vs 27,000 students!), most of our students find it a very supportive, close-knit community.

That's all the marketing stuff aside - if you're on Facebook, search for "Monash University Gippsland", post a quick note, and we can link you up with current and former students who can give you a first-hand perspective on what it's like.

My only concern re your post above is the commuting option. It's do-able, but would make for some very long days (and big petrol bills). Have you considered moving out here (student residences) if your circumstances allow? Let me know if that's something you're interested, and we can get some more info to you.

Tim Grainger
Monash University Gippsland

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