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how much study should you do?

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Author how much study should you do?




  • Joined: Oct 2010
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Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:01 pm

Well i have been told that you need to study for a hour a day. What do you think? I studied last week for 5 days for a hour (more depending on what im doing) but have not studied much at all this week. I feel that i needed just a break from study but yet i feel guilty about not studying. I have been looking at the notes and as we have not finished a subject chapter i feel i cant go further as is i do i might get ahead of myself. Am i correct in taking time out.



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Jan 16, 2011, 08:58 am

i havent started my study yet (2 weeks to go!) but we have been advised we need to set aside either 2 hours a day or 10 hours on the weekend...... this doesnt include research time...that little gem is separate. i dont know yet just how i will fit that in between working full time (10 night duties perf/n), as well as run a household and be a mother and wife...oooh dear. however where there is a will and a dream there is always a way....good luck honeybee



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Jan 16, 2011, 02:29 pm

Not sure what course you are doing RN or EN? For the RN degree our unit outlines usually say allow 10hours per subject per week and as you generally study 4 subjects that equates to 40 hours of study per week or the equivalent of a full time job.



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Jan 16, 2011, 08:54 pm

hi, honestly im of the opinion that how much you need to study its a completely individual thing. you cant really go by what other people need or do when studying.
i know people & courses will always advise on specific numbers of hours per subject or per contact hours. and usually that scares the daylights out of people bcos its always a huge number on top of classes, work family commitments etc. but i know ive never needed to study anywhere near as much as these numbers that people quote and i got straight HD's.

i did the EEN course full time in 2010, which was 4 days a week 8am-4pm, plus i worked 2 days a week- so essentially only 1 day off per week. around exam time i took extra days off work so i could study intensively for a few days before the exam. if your doing an hour a day i think thats pretty good, bcos i honeslty didnt do anything like that. i simply couldnt come home after being at school all day and start reading again- i needed downtime. i agree its probably best not to go further than what youve been taught yet, you need time to digest stuff. but maybe going back over what you did during the day and revising that in the evening is probably a really good idea- or maybe give your brain a break on weekdays after school and keep a few hours on the weekend as study time. if what you are doing now is working well for you then id stick with it, you sound like your aware of what you need to do and thats half the battle i think!



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Jan 16, 2011, 09:20 pm

I am doing a part time en course. it started in mid november 2010.
I studied alot and i feel before i go back i just wanted a days off to enjoy abit of time before i go back which is tomorrow. I work 3 days aweek.
The teachers where i am studying say to study at least 1 hr a day. Its not a uni its at the anf in melbourne



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Jan 17, 2011, 09:24 am

Don't punish yourself for taking time out. Everyone needs a break!

I'm doing an RN course part-time and they recommend 10-12 hours a week per course. Some subjects will require that amout and some won't.

As you progress through the course you will get the feel for what is about right.

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