Mar 04, 2011, 05:05 am
sorry to hear this perg but its rather a common fact. Unis tend to have stronger relations with the big medicalk facilities and hence has first choice, even then I know of a few large Unis struggling to put their students on placement.
If its any help, try to check out any friends who are RNs or ENs working in hospitals and see if they can arrange for you to work in their facilities...after all its free work and some departments don't mind having a bit of a say in things so long as they handle the administrative side of things. The reason for this is that coordinators for hospital placements, even those representing the hospital for student intake are pen pushers. Well I can vouch for the fact that a few Uni. students got into hospital placements in their final year through private contacts because their Unis could not find a place for them.
Good luck and hope this little bit of information might help.