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very daunting

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Author very daunting



  • Joined: Feb 2011
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Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:02 pm

I ve started my cert 3, im four weeks into the course , the more im learning im wondering if aged care is for me.All the paper work is daunting to me, more paper work then caring, Then you talk to people in the aged care they will tell you they are run off there feet, and alot of paper work.Im at the age of forty two and not the brightest spark its starting to worry me now



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Mar 04, 2011, 05:18 am

usgirls...cert 3 study component includes lots of paperwork knowledge but trust me, its NOT that much when actually doing it. Don't get me wrong carers most of the paperwork is just a few short notes about the patient you cared for...any skin tears, and unfamiliar gait in walking, any cognitive issues...example : not keen to participate in activities or self care...something patient was always willing to do in the past and etc. Its then for the RNs and doctors to read and pursue causes.

At cert 3 level, ask yourself why do you want to be a carer? Its about showering people, bed turning, changing soiled pants, feeding and etc? I remembered when I first started doing it and I loved the fact that we are in a role that requires compassion towards our fellow human beings. It not lovey dovey cause I have been hit by patients with dementia so many times that its not funny, however whenever you look at their photo albums, you will see that they were once young, happy, a mother, a father...a person with the world as their playground. Its just that now, its sunset for them.

Yes in the beginning you will be runned of your feet but over time you will learn to organize yourself and be me I was like

Who knows, the experience might spur you to go on to be an EEN or did for me and I am loving it. Good luck usgirls and stay the'll make a good carer

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