Hi everyone,
I am currently a dental nurse in QLD but my passion is aged care. I have looked into the online tafe course and i think that will be the best option for me as I can't afford to have time off work to go to classes as my current employer works around my husbands roster and my son's school hours, so I need to be at work whenever i can to make up for the hours that i'm doing pickup/drop off.
one of the other mum's at my son's school is working in an aged care facility and she loves it, i've asked her about the courses etc but i feel uncomfortable asking her about the pay rates.
I cam currently on $220 per day ( some times i work 5 hours if i have to pick our son up but other times i work over 12-14, that's why she pays me a good day rate) and i'm sure that with aged care i won't make nearly that much but can you all please give me a round about figure for the morning, afternoon, night shifts? how much is it per hour or a week?
I need to work out if i can afford to do this, i would love to but i also need to think about my family.