Dec 10, 2011, 07:03 am
Really depends on what your interests are and if you wan to go onto further study in other areas of health such as nursing.
For nursing i found the dissability to be extremely usefull because i developed really good communication techniques as a lot of the clients i worked with had little or know verbal communication as wel las that and learnt a lot from the speech and physio's o worked with through my clients ect. Especially when i was in rehab facilities and am really glad i started off in dissability because i learnt a lot especially going into placememnt for my nursing degree.
I love working in aged care facilities though because i have a massive soft spot for older people and i find that are to be more rewarding for myself personally than i did in the dissability.
It will be different for everyone i would suggest if you have a particular preference for one go with that first becasue if you go into an area your interested in you'll find it more rewarding and you can always swith to the other once you've got a feel for whats involved.