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A Nurses Knowledge

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Author A Nurses Knowledge



  • Joined: Sep 2010
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Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:09 pm

Hi Guys,

I'm a first year Nursing student in a bit of a conundrum.

My problem is I don't know how well I need to know certain things or what the practical application of certain knowledge will be once I'm finished so I'm sort of in a constant undecided state making it hard to guage how I'm going with becoming a Nurse.

Say, for example, someone breaks their arm - do I need to run through my head every time I'm confronted with this that the cohesive forces of the atoms forming or holding together the cells of what we call "bone" have been subject to a force greater than their force of cohesion thus causing them to separate?

Where do you draw the line with this technical/microscopic stuff as a Nurse?

Is this the type of stuff you only need to know to pass your Uni course (Bio)?

Can anyone recommend a good attitude or perspective to have toward what seems to me to be overkill/impractical?

Thanks in advance,




  • Joined: Dec 2010
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Dec 28, 2010, 12:21 am

Hi Maya,

Geez you really like to ask the tough questions don't you. The answer is a liitle of both. Obviously in the short term you need to know it simply to pass your studies and get out there. In the long term you will forget some of it and still practice safely. Mostly it depands on your area of work later - that area you will know intimately and others you'll occassionally have flashes to. The important thing to remember is that our nursing knowledge is based on reasearch and best practice, even as recently as a couple of decades ago nurses asked themselves if they really needed to understand wound healing at the cellular level. Now with our understanding of how different wound dressings effect the healing process many nurses know this information as essential. What may seem over the top now will help you to understand the principles behind the clinical decisions you will need to make for yourself in later practice. It can seem overwhelming and yes useless at times but stick wih it - its all worth it.



  • Joined: Dec 2010
  • Location: Broken Hill
  • Posts: 2

Dec 29, 2010, 11:27 am

Hi Maya,

I work with graduate nurses, what you are going through is very normal and when you hit second year it may seem worse. Hang in there. As you start progressing through your clinical placements it will start making sense.

My suggestion learn it now know it for uni, it will always come back to you when you need it later. I have been teaching for 3 years now and some things I learnt over 10 years ago at uni have copme back and I have had an ah ha moment.

Bio will do everyones head a paediatric nurse I had to learn how different bones break, by what force esp with domestic violence and "red flags" of child abuse. But that was in my post graduate studies. Uni will give you the underpinning knowledge. Some thing you may never use in your career other things you will be glad for the knowledge.



  • Joined: Apr 2011
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Apr 12, 2011, 05:12 pm

hiii maya

you have shared very nice thread thanks for this thread

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