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Getting registration in nursing

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Author Getting registration in nursing



  • Joined: Jul 2018
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  • Posts: 1

Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:07 am

Hi everyone i am new in this group.I am a mother of 2 kids.1 is 3 year old and second 9 month.I used to work in aged care as a PCA now i want to change my carrier.So I am thinking to do nursing.I Is live in Melbourne and so confuse where to start which uni should I go.Should I do div 1 instead div 2 or just start div 2 first.On the other hand I have one question which really stopping me.How we will get an registration .I believe that for registration we need 7 each in ielts what will happen if I didn't get 7 each in ielts after study.I will really appreciate your help if someone can give me honest advise.

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