Dec 19, 2010, 09:03 pm
Some nursing or health sciences schools, such as Sydney Nursing School and Melbourne School of Health Sciences only offer Master of Nursing degree programs and do not offer a Bachelor of Nursing. It sounds like you are interested in undergraduate study. Sydney Nursing School offers the following degree programs to undergraduate students:
Bachelor of Arts/Master of Nursing
Bachelor of Health Sciences/Master of Nursing
Bachelor of Science/Master of Nursing
These programs differ from a Bachelor of Nursing as nursing is not studied in the first year and because they are dual qualifications which allow students to specialise or major in an area other than nursing. The programs are similar to a Bachelor of Nursing because they also include clinical simulation, clinical placements and the study of pathophysiology and pharmacology and clinical elective units. Sydney Nursing School also offers a graduate-entry Master of Nursing to graduates of other disciplines. This degree is identical to the nursing component of the undergraduate programs.
Melbourne School of Health Sciences offers a Master of Nursing Science. From what I have read, this degree seems to have a more scientific focus than many other Australian nursing degrees. This is just my opinion and it is by no means definitive. This degree includes roughly two days per week on campus and two - three days per week in hospitals, clinics or community health centres.
So you can do either a Bachelor of Nursing or a combined undergraduate degree and Master of Nursing at the University of Sydney. The latter option takes at least four years, while a Bachelor of Nursing can generally be completed in three years (or two years if you are an enrolled nurse).