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clinical practice for new RN scrub nurses in rural perioperative unit

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Author clinical practice for new RN scrub nurses in rural perioperative unit



  • Joined: Apr 2008
  • Location: Taree
  • Posts: 1

Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:04 pm

I have been asked to help set up an education programme for RN's new to our perioperative unit who are learning to scrub. Until now, clinical experience in the role of scrub nurse has been attained in a fairly ad hoc manner. We would like to formalise the education process for scrub nurses in the hope we can make the area more attractive to RN's not used to the perioperative environment. We are a regional hospital that runs 4 (and sometimes 5) elective lists per day. We have approximately 40 RN's/EN's staffing the unit. I would like to hear from other perioperative units that have already established education programmes for their beginner scrubbers in the hope that we can utilise and adapt their ideas to our own area. Thanks

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