Going Strong
Tuesday 08 May 2007
It's been quite a while since I have updated the blog, I guess I'm just not very verbose :)
NurseCentral continues to grow every week and I welcome all our new members. Some of the forums are very interesting and certainly a number of people are getting some good help from colleagues. You might be interested to know that well over 2000 visits per month to the site (and growing) and we are approaching 600 registered users.
Here are a few things that we have done over the past number of months in readiness for some wider exposure and growth on the site. We have registered the NurseCentral trademark to protect our future. NurseCentral is now ready for a wider launch and we see great potential in the positioning of NurseCentral in the nursing marketplace.
We have upgraded the core software that NurseCentral runs on, eZ publish, to ensure that we are providing the best possible platform and providing a stable system for your important contributions.
We are now looking at the next steps, and from the poll, it seems the majority of members want to share some of their photos online, so we are looking at how best to enable this within our resources.
Also, International Nurses Day is upon us and I congratulate all nurses and midwives for their dedication to the profession and their commitment to improving health - Well Done!
Watch out for a bonus for all current members on International Nurses Day.