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enrolled Nurse career advice

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Author enrolled Nurse career advice



  • Joined: Mar 2018
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  • Posts: 1

Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:03 pm

Hi all, 

I'm a bit stuck at the moment. I graduated with my diploma and was part of a grad program for a few months before having to leave due to personal reasons. I've been applying for nursing positions that require little to no experience yet I'm still unsuccessful. I'm getting great feedback from jobs I miss out on, but I feel maybe I need to further my education. 

Does anyone know of any courses that would advance my knowledge and skills as an EN? I was thinking of attending Uni and getting my Bachelors but I have a young child and the thought of juggling study again gives me a headache. 

Any advice is highly appreciated. 



  • Joined: Jun 2013
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  • Posts: 3

Apr 05, 2018, 08:18 pm


I am an enrolled nurse with many years experience now, and never been without work for the last twenty years.

Nursing, is and will always be about how you present yourself.  Always carry a positive attitude with you and it will follow you throughout your career.  Things happen in our life and we may need to take a step back, but don't let this get you down.  Keep persevering with your job hunt, but I would suggest narrowing it down and networking.  Ask your ex teachers, or hospitals where you did placements for any casual work to start.  Join a Nursing Agency and take any jobs they give you and then build up a rapport with those places you are sent to.

Good luck and all the best

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