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EN Case Study Questions

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Author EN Case Study Questions



  • Joined: Mar 2008
  • Location: Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast
  • Posts: 5

Mon May 26, 2008 6:05 pm

Hi All,
I'm currently studying Diploma of Nursing only six months into it and have a case study that we need to complete, I was wondering if someone could help me with it.
Case Study.
A 79 year old woman, Mrs C is to be admitted to an aged care facility. She was widowed 6 months ago. Her daughter found her at home with urine and faeces throughout the house, no food in the cupboard and Mrs C was not orientated to time or place. She has an infected leg ulcer on her Right leg, and both legs were grossly oedematous. Mrs C has a medical history of Cardiac failure, leg ulcers and diabetes type II.
- How common ageing changes will complicate the patients condition
- An outline of the complications pertaining to each specific disease entity.
- A discussion on the funding issues for this patient
- A discussion of the level of nursing care required, how the level of care is assessed (validated tools) and any special requirements for the patient.
- The legal and social issues around admission to an aged care facility
- The type of Community Support needed if patient returns home.
I'm not sure where to start, you help would be greatly appreciated.

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