Hey guys,
I am looking for some textbooks for the Diploma of Nursing I am starting in August with GCIT
Here is a list of the books I am going to need for the first semester. You can email klarchbold@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance:)
Medical-surgical nursing;assessment and management of clinical problams - Brown and Edwards, Diane Brown - Elsevier Australia 2007
essentials of human anatomy & physiology 10th edition - elaine N marieb - benjamin-cummings publishing company 2008
essentials of law for health professionals 3rd edition - kim forrester, debra griffiths - mosby
potter and perry fundamentals of nursing 3rd edition - jackie crisp, patricia ann potter, catherine taylor, anne griffin perry - elsevier australia 2008
essential clinical skills enrolled/division 2 nurses 2nd edition - joanne tollefson, toni bishop, eugenie jelly, gayle watson, karen tambree - cengage learning 2011