Nursing issues

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What do you love/loathe about your job and what do you love/loathe about nursing?

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Author What do you love/loathe about your job and what do you love/loathe about nursing?




  • Joined: Apr 2007
  • Location: Melbourne
  • Posts: 189

Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:01 pm

I am curious to see how other ppl answer this question and why other ppl love nursing.

I must admit I have only beena nurse for 3 months and have been working on a busy surgical ward. I have my bad days and my good days. I do generally love it...but I have my days where I wonder if I have done the right thing.

I like the aspect of looking after people and getting to know them, taking care of them, doing something good for someone every single day.

The parts I am not so sure on yet are all of the paperwork (legal aspect..its a bit daunting) and pretty much the actual responsibility aspect in general. I dont want to do the wrong thing and it is alot of responsibility. Thats why I guess I ask so many questions every shift and maybe sound like a pain in the but to my co workers...but better than than the alternative! It is just a scary thing when you think about it.

The other thing is I have been a SAHM for around 8 working practually full time is just hard in general. Its taking some getting used to and is a big adjustment.

I really cant wait til I am much more experienced and can just go with the flow every day rather than having to double check myself all the time and ask so many darn questions.

I do like nursing....I like the work, the patients are great for the most part and though you get a different variety of staff, they are generally pretty good. Its just taking some getting used to.

What do you like or not like about your job or about nursing??

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