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advanced diploma for enrolled nursing

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Author advanced diploma for enrolled nursing




  • Joined: Jan 2008
  • Location: adelaide south australia
  • Posts: 1

Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:01 am

hello all i am a enrolled nurse with the diploma and have heard about the advanced diploma and that one tafe that i know of is offering it (south australia) and was wondering if anyone has any other information in referance to this for the port adelaide tafe as i have not heard anything and am very interested in doing this course.

i currently work for a nursing agency going to the acute sector but am looking for perm position in on of the hospitals close to the western subs any suggestions on places people have or are working at would be appreciated.





  • Joined: Mar 2008
  • Location: surrey downs
  • Posts: 1

Mar 18, 2008, 11:38 am

Hi, i'm pretty sure RAH do advanced diploma as well as Flinders and Tafe SA. Not too sure wether ANF hold that course but they caertainly do run others, might be worth your while checking them out. Hope I've been some kid of help!

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