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does every know what happing to enrolled nurse course in nsw

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Author does every know what happing to enrolled nurse course in nsw



  • Joined: May 2009
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Thu May 14, 2009 3:05 pm

hi every one

i was a pastry chef in sydney. however the unreasonable long working hours (55h/w) and extremely hard work and high pressure make me to quit this career.i m thinking to study nurse program in tafe cuz my wife is RN in rpa hospital. from what she get from hospital i know nursing is petti rewarding and motivating career. then i tryed to contract TAFE 131601 but they told they have no idea about whats going on and seems take forever to get new changs imformation. so i m whiting here to ask if any one know what happen and when can i apply for this course before july.





  • Joined: May 2009
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May 21, 2009, 11:14 am

Hi! Josh
My guess is that TAFE are still organising their courses. I noticed on that a Media Release dated 9th April 2009 indicates that from 1 July 2009, students will attend a TAFE NSW Institute to gain a qualification before they are employed. During their training they will still have structured clinical placements in hospitals and other Health facilities. Fully funded training scholarships will be available through TAFE NSW Institutes in July 2009 and 2010. Fee based training will also be available for those students wishing to gain qualifications to work in the private health sector.

"TAFE NSW is now planning for these additional places and prospective students are advised to contact the TAFE NSW Information Centre on telephone number 131 601 for more information."
The Media Release can be downloaded at

I hope this is helpful for you. Good luck with your future nursing.

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