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rural hospitals and graduate programs

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Author rural hospitals and graduate programs



  • Joined: Dec 2009
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  • Posts: 8

Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:09 pm


Is anyone of you doing a graduate program at a rural hospital? Why / why not?

I'm planning to move to the country (Victoria) and would like some insight into hospitals there for your first year out. I see many have a GNP, and I'm just looking for a general med/surg program.Some, however, don't list a program on their (sparse) websites - does anyone think it would be worth contacting them anyway? As my exact location in 2012 is still unknown, I have the luxury of chosing on the basis of getting a good GNP and a good start to my nursing career. But who thrives in a country hospital? What is special about working in the country? Anything at all? Is there competition for the GNPs? How do international students fare?

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