Nov 22, 2010, 08:15 pm
Hi Mazz,
I just finished first year down here in Victoria. My first tip would be DON'T read your textbooks front to back before you start because:
1) The textbooks go into a LOT of detail that you won't need to know in first year and you don't want to fill your brain with stuff you won't need for exams.
2) The bits you read in your textbook might not even be covered in your first year.
Your university website should have a unit outline for the units you will be studying and the unit outlines have an overview of what will be covered.
If you want to learn some stuff before you go to uni try:
The bodies planes and anatomical positions: Sagittal, Mid-Sagittal, frontal etc etc
The major bones of the body: Keep it simple - humerus, radius, femur, tibia, fibula etc
What an action potential is and how it works - this one is trickier but having an understanding early will save lots of sweat and tears later.
Good luck,