Oct 16, 2010, 04:14 pm
hi Tracey,
honestly id advise that you just go straight into an EN course.
im guessing your in Vic as you said Div 2- im in Vic as well. the EN or div 2 course will take you at least 2yrs to do (from next year its a diploma course- i think the only exception is that traineeships will still be a Cert IV)- so dont quote me on it, but i dont think there will be anywhere that will offer it as a full time or part time course shorter than 2 yrs.
so i wouldnt waste any time doing a bridging course. just go for the EN course. if your concerned about getting in, then call the TAFE and ask them if what they think is best. but honeslty, as long as you pass the Vetasses test, and you interview well- then youve got as good a shot as anyone else at getting in. i know of one TAFE that recommends people doing a bridging course... but my suspicious mind thinks it just seems like another way of getting money out of people. Im about to finish my EN course and theres lots of people in my class who are mature age (including me, 35), a few mums and lots of internationals- so people who could potentially find it a bit harder, but theyve all coped and are about to finish in november.
good luck either way!