Hi, my name is Lauren-Eva. I'm currently enrolled at Griffith University, Nathan Campus in Bachelor of Nursing.
I only just found this site, so please forgive me if this has been asked previously, also mainly because I have also only really started researching the nursing work force and structure within the past week or so. (It has taken me about two days to figure out what the difference is between enrolled nurses and endorsed enrolled nurses)
I was wondering what, if any, is the difference is between a person enrolled at TAFE and one at university studying nursing? More specifically, are we both classed as enrolled nurses during our study or is that just TAFE students? From my understanding so far only TAFE students are classed as enrolled nurses (as I have found no where to say university students during their study are classed as enrolled nurses, but as registered nurses after they graduate). Please correct me if I am wrong. I only ask this because I have found numerous job listings for enrolled nurses, but no information on whether university students are classified as enrolled nurses, I presume we are not on this basis.
Thank-you very much for any assistance.