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RPL's for Diploma of Nursing

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Author RPL's for Diploma of Nursing



  • Joined: Dec 2007
  • Location: Toowoomba
  • Posts: 1

Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:01 am

Hi everyone,

Just after a bit of advice. I am 6 subjects off completing my Bachelor of Nursing through USQ in Toowoomba but due to circumstances (new baby and then a serious car accident) I am unable to complete them. I really don't see when I will be able to for a while either so was wondering if anyone knows if I would be able to work as an EN instead and if so how do I do it. Do I go straight to the nurse registration board or do I need to apply for RPL's through TAFE first and gain my diploma which will cost me a bomb??

Any answers would be appreciated.

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