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Diploma of Nursing - Online FT GCIT

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Author Diploma of Nursing - Online FT GCIT



  • Joined: Feb 2011
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  • Posts: 2

Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:02 pm

HI all. Im a 22 yr old Mum of a 7 month old and I am new here and just enrolled at Gold Coast TAFE. Course starts at March 7. But I have few questions regarding the clinical placement. In my enrollment form it stated there that I have to my VOC Placement it says there that I have to do 240hrs. We have managed to enroll our daughter to a childcare so all that is sorted out but my problem is, I have no idea where to do my Clinical Placement!! I'm in Brisbane Bayside and in the First term placement should be in an Aged Care Facility. Semester two, and Three says it should be in an Acute Hospital. So any ideas on where to go? Like good aged care facilities? And Acute Hospital? My partner is an Emergency RN and I know I should ask these questions to him but I want other peoples opinions and views. Thanks in advance

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