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EN training in Perth

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Author EN training in Perth



  • Joined: Jan 2011
  • Location: Perth WA
  • Posts: 31

Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:01 am

I am about to start my Cert IV in Preparation For Entry Into Enrolled Nursing and then I am planning to apply for Diploma of Enrolled Nursing in Perth this year for July intake.

I was hoping someone could give me some feedback on the application / interview process. Last time I applied - 20 years ago - it was very competitive - but I am not sure now. I want to make sure I have done everything I can to submit a successful application. I have waited 20 years and don't want to wait any longer to finally do my training!

Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.




  • Joined: Feb 2011
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  • Posts: 8

Feb 24, 2011, 04:11 am

hey bec 74,

why dont u just go straight into your diploma u can apply without doing your cert IV, also pilbara tafe offer the en course by correpondence! or you should go straight on and do ur rn thru murdoch which take mature students or notre dame in freo

Challenger tafe do there ens thru the hospital system which is better, and central tafe are good!

I wouldnt advise anyone to go through west coast tafe in joondalup as they are so unprofessional, different lecturers use different marking keys eg: your group could have 2 different lecturers marking ur work and one will pass it and the other wont even if the answers are the same!

their lecturers leave as they are bullied by the clinical placements supervisor who think they run the place!

my class that graduated last year all feel we learnt nothing and it was a complete waste of time at west coast!

good luck with ur studies

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