I am just 6 months into the diploma of nursing. I have 2 assignments to do, both with wound assessment charts to do. One is regarding an 83 yo male with a leg ulcer and the 2nd is the wound dehiscence from a hysterectomy 12 days ago. I have only had 3 weeks practical in a dementia unit where I bathed and fed the patients and have no experience with wound care. I would appreciate any assistance or anyone with info on sites I could go to. I have been given a chart to complete which is the sesiahs wound assessment chart consisting of 4 A4 pages on info including wound type/aetiology, description (wound bed), infection, sinus tract tunneling, tissue loss, exudate etc. Gosh I have a headache just thinking about it.
Much appreciated if I get any replies
Sandy (mature age student)
Hello I have just joined this website and needing some help with a wound assessment & management plan chart
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