I'm a Year 12 student in Sydney and I'm conducting a study into 'The impact of clinical placement on the nursing students perception of aged care as a career' as part of a major work project in the subject Society and Culture.
I'm looking for nursing students who have completed a clinical placement in Aged Care to complete an online questionnaire that takes only 4-6 minutes.
To participate in this study please copy and paste the link into your web browser. It will take you straight to my online questionnaire:
If you are not eligible yourself, please feel free to distribute this link to fellow students you think that might be interested in participating.
Should you have any questions about this study please contact me via email:
Thank you SO much for your support. My Participant Information Sheet is below if you are interested.
Kind regards,
Participant Information Sheet
The impact of the aged care placement experience on the nursing student’s perception of aged care.
This study is being conducted by a Higher School Certificate student as part of the Society and Culture course. This study seeks to explore perceptions of aged care amongst nursing students and the impact of aged care clinical placement on preferred future career choices.
The time commitment of the survey varies between 4 – 6 minutes depending on the time taken to answer open response questions. This survey is primarily comprised of open response questions that will require personal reflection on experiences in aged care placement and how these experiences have affected attitudes towards working in the aged care industry. The questions will also ask students to recall what aspects of the clinical placement were positive and/or negative.
No personal details, including email addresses will be collected from this survey and all responders will remain anonymous and unidentifiable. No questions will require the identification of age, gender or culture.
Giselle Crowther
Telephone: 02 9653 2941
Fax: 9653 2672
Email: giselle.crowther@gmail.com