Nursing issues

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Author Practicals



  • Joined: May 2014
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Tue May 20, 2014 10:05 am

Hi - I was just wondering what you are allowed to do over the 6 practicals in the Bachelors of Nursing?

I presume you slowly build up experience but when do you take blood pressure, give medication, start an IV over the 3 years training?

Also when do you record your findings in the patients chart? Does a RN double check everything?

Any info would be great :)



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May 20, 2014, 07:35 pm

Depends on your uni curriculum. For the first week, it is normally introduction to the ward, getting to know the facility, nurses and routines. Do not expect much independences on your first year, but try to be pro-active and learn as much as you can. I was questioned by the RNs I worked with a lot and was allowed to be more independent after they assessed my knowledge on my 2nd year sem 2. Procedures such as wound dressings and giving of IV medications will still have to be accompanied at 3rd year. On the my 3rd year sem 2, my uni asked what placement I desired to go (ED) and gave it to me.

The nurses do not normally check on what I chart on the patient's chart. Their only question to me is normally 'Are the vital signs within normal range?'. However, they will still look at it when they are writing the nursing notes. So please don't screw up. If unsure, ask.

Year 1 - Taking of vital signs, changing bed sheets, showering patients, toileting(bum washing, tepid sponging, brushing of teeth for people who can't do it), transfer of patients, delivering meals. My placement were 1) age care 2) gastro/medical ward. (It is actually a mixed ward.)

Year 2 - Giving of medication and wound dressing at 2nd sem. The rest are the similar, except for the fact you are allowed to write nursing progress notes and exposure to different hospitals/facilities, including mental health. My placement 1)  Respiratory ward + children ward 2) perioperative - holding bay, recovery and theatres + mental health

Year 3 - Depends a lot on your own progress. I was allowed to take charge of 6 beds (a cubicle), while 1 of my friend wasn't allowed to do anything and have to be accompanied in everything she do. Sad thing is that we were in the same ward and in the same year. IV drips will still be supervised by an RN and need to be checked by another nurse. My placement 1) medical respiratory (again) + mental health/community health 2) Emergency department.

I'm lucky that I was exposed to huge varieties of work environment. I have known of people completing their degree with only placement in age care.  Eg. acute care - age care, community health age care, age care facilities, dementia wards and repeat placements. 



  • Joined: Jan 2013
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May 28, 2014, 03:10 am

Hello PassionPride

I'm a second year RN here. I had one placement in first year (second semester) in aged care, We did PCA duties like bathing/feeding/changing pads and sheets. I've just finished my 1st placement for second year and I was able to take vital signs/give oral medications under RN supervision and chart in patients files. 2nd semester I will be able to give IM/Subcut/IV medications under RN supervision, learn wound care and consolidate everything else I've learnt. Third year I imagine will be consolidating all of the skills learnt over the two previous years and perhaps taking on a bigger patient load.

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