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Placement worries

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Author Placement worries



  • Joined: Feb 2013
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Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:02 pm

I am currently a second year student about to go on my first clinical placement, i'm so stressed about so many things and would like some advice from other students -

How did you manage shift work, particularly if you have children?

If you got a rural placement how did you manage travel, accommodation, kids etc?

If you had to give one piece of advice to a student about to go on placement for the first time what would it be?

Look forward to your replies



  • Joined: Nov 2012
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Feb 03, 2013, 08:01 pm

Hi I'm stressing to about placements . Its not doing the shift work thats worrying me its the juggling kids as

my husband does shifts to so worried about finding someone that will have them if/when our shifts clash. Mine start in 6 months but am already stressed about it.Hope everything works out for u :-)



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Feb 05, 2013, 05:57 pm

Yes I can sympathize with you! I have heard from other students that some clinical facilitators are pretty understanding and will let you work out shifts with your RN but it depends who you're placed with and where you go. I am worried about going rural, it's bad enough we have to do unpaid work let alone have to go to no mans land just to pass the course! Worst case scenario for me is being placed more than 2 hours away - I have no one to take kids to school and they can't come with me for up to 8 weeks. I think they need to be a bit more considerate of us mums!

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