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Starting EN course - what should I be studying?

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Author Starting EN course - what should I be studying?



  • Joined: Feb 2013
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Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:02 pm

Hey guys im new to the forum X-D  ill be starting my Enrolled Nursing course in a couple of months but i'd like to be as prepared as I can be for what i'll be learning. Is there anyone out there who has already started the EN course who can give me some direction on what I should familiarise myself with?

So far Ive got a couple of books out from the library on basic anatomy and im basically just trying to learn as much as I can about the human body eg. different body systems, memorising body parts etc.  Am I on the right track or is there othert things I should be focusing on for now? Ill take any advice I can get!

Thanks guys X-D



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Feb 05, 2013, 06:53 pm

hi carly, where are you studying.Im at GCIT online studying EN course.I started my course in august 2012 and im really enjoying it.You are on the right track with the stuff you are looking at.You will learn about all the body systems, and it does go into some depth.Try and read up on atoms,cells,tissues,organs,organ systems.Anatomy and Physiology were pretty full on as it is the basis for everything you do.You could start looking at some of the more common diseases for eg heart disease and cardiovascular problems,strokes ,cancers.We have just had our first residential school and you really need that understanding of how your body works.That will get you off to a good start.You could also start to look at some of the infection control type stuff if you feel really studies



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Feb 06, 2013, 10:04 am

Hey :) ill be studying at the Newcastle Campus in NSW it starts in April/May. That info was great least I know im on the right track and some extra bits and pieces I can brush up on before I start. Cheers! :)

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