Just wondering what other students enrolment experiences have been like with TAFE?
The reason I ask is because mine wasn't the nicest, unfortunately:
TAFE (Gold Coast) allowed me to enrol in Option A for the blended Diploma of Nursing course, which includes face to face lectures and meets 3x per week. I rang up and checked the numbers before hand, as places are limited. They said I should be fine. So I enrolled and they put me in Option B which is online, and meets only 1x per week. :-(
After ringing TAFE back, I was told that school leavers applying through QTAC are given the priority for Option A, everyone else goes into Option B. They never told me that before. I feel that for $19,000 which, as at 2016 is the cost of the course, students should get more for their money and TAFE should be more upfront and honest about the education they are offering.