Jan 31, 2016, 12:06 am
Hi, I'm new to this website. :)
I'm currently studying the Diploma of Nursing (EN/Div 2) at Skills Training Australia. I've only been here for 3 weeks, but I'm loving it so far. There are 20-30 students in my A&P class, but in some units, there are less (like 10 students!). Anyway, it's great here. From day 1 (orientation day), you will love it. The people are mature and very friendly, unlike at a TAFE with a "highschool environment", you will instantly make new friends. Education-wise, the teachers are great. They are always there to help/assist with anything. Overall, I recommend it :)
<p>PS: Don't consider Navitas! A lot of the students in my class said that they were from Navitas but dropped out because they learnt nothing there. Just so you know :)</p>
Good luck!
PPS: Where are you studying now?